The strongest in Aceh. This mosque capable of holding the same encouragement tsunami with 10 nuclear bombs. you can imagine that 10 bombs in Hiroshima and be it only scratches the building. In Meulaboh, a city of 80% was destroyed, some of the mosque is still standing strong. ` 'Only God knows just who answered!''
This statement be Maidin of Kampung Bait, Baitussalam District, Aceh Besar, when asked why the mosque village does not fall down by the tsunami. Moreover, the location is only about two
hundred meters from the sea. And this is only the more abstruse, because the entire building, coconut trees, the house residents who are in front, rear, left and right side of the mosque with the flat land.

` 'Yes now is the withdrawal of the mosque of the Prophet Noah boat. It is the only building remaining. Allahu Akbar. Subhanallah,''said Maidin while collecting goods in the former house, Wednesday morning, (13 / 1).
Not far from that place, Masjid Jami 'Kaju and Kampung Masjid Al Ikhlas Labui also able to survive attacks from the tsunami. Both its position even more vulnerable ` 'again, exactly the estuary and the sea offshore. Same with the village temple, all the buildings around the mosque was crushed ingot. Meanwhile, in the two mosques is only one pillar of the fracture. And if you later close the black mud floor is cleaned, the mosque will soon be enabled.

However, the most fantastic is the condition of the mosque which is located Rahmatullah Lhoknga village, Aceh Besar District. With the three-domed mosque, which was established on 12 September 1997 that, in fact have been able to survive despite digelontor tsunami fury really terrible. Because of the location in the middle of the valley and all around the building collapse, the mosque is painted white when seen from a distance appear to float into the air.
To go to the mosques at the time it is now clearly not an easy task. Access roads to get there is difficult, because there are in addition to the broken bridge, debris, rubble and waste the rest of the earthquake are still many straggle. Consequently, if you want to pay a visit to the mosque, while the need for walking alone a car or ride a vehicle remains and volunteers.
Rahmatullah mosque own condition was not damaged too severe. Pillar is still standing strong. Only some walls are perforated. Floor mosque made of marble that looks much as it destroyed the page to tow roller. The remaining tsunami berserk fury in the mosque that is still being able to clear. A gateway monument made of concrete with about four meters high, terlempar far as 15 meters from the place of origin. Fence wall mosque where somehow lost. Meanwhile, the coconut trees and building houses the mosque which is located between the sea and collapsed there is no missing the former. Except for the mosque that, as far as all eyes looked to the valley direction, there is no longer left the building.
With the same condition in the mosque Lhoknga, Ar-Rahman mosque, which is in Ule Lheue at this time are still standing strong. The mosque itself is located exactly at the beach edge. So be so then the tsunami came mosque that is exposed to the first hack. However, just like the waves through the course, pass between the pole. Besides the mosque, the icon of the city of Banda Aceh Mosque Baiturrahman also escape from the fury of disaster. However, the tsunami waves that reached the place where it is not too violent again. But not far from where the various buildings in the surrounding areas have been destroyed.
In Meulaboh, a town 80 percent destroyed by a tsunami, many of the mosque also. Not far from the port of Meulaboh, still stand firmly other large mosques, namely Nurul Huda. When the Republic came five days after the incident, on the terrace and there are many dead bodies. Sofyan, a Jamaah mosque during the coming wave of activity in the mosques that are solid. Know, exactly behind the mosque is Madrasah, the entry remains in the day Thursday.
When the waves come quickly, some people who are in the second building of panic. They fight to rise above the floor madrasah. Meanwhile, some other struggling to ascend the top of the mosque. The victim died is that they failed to reach the top of the floor tile or madrasah. ` 'Many also that when the can no longer ride him quiet and pray or call Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Once the water came quickly with a lot of waste. Tile from the top I see the swift pace of water and bring to any person including body,''said Sofyan.
In Aceh Jaya travel through the sea, see a Republic majid lumayan large in the village of Suak Semaseh, 25 km from Meulaboh. Only a two mosques that the only building still standing that are visible. Visible only around the ruins of the former and destroyed people's gardens. It was seen as ver

Meanwhile, in Calang, capital of Aceh Jaya, a Mushala also seen still standing even though a bridge is not far from destroyed. In fact, the existing road in front of severe damage and even almost disappeared. Now, there are only three buildings still standing in Calang, the relay station TVRI of the peak is located in a hill, the home of a Chinese merchant, and Mushala itself. wonders whether all this? Wallohu A'lam bishawab. As word Maidin, God only knows. (RioL)
House of the Lord protected
Only three buildings still standing in Ujung Karang, Meulaboh. One one of the mosque Ba'abul Jannah. Around him, to the far edge to the beach-side, have been flat to the ground. People are calling, just a miracle that the mosque was still standing.
Mosques around the size of 20m x 20m that has become so famous. Not only physical form that is now very light in the ruins of houses, but also because the story of the struggle of living a dozen people who survived under the dome when the waves wipe Tusnami Meulaboh, December 26, 2004.
` 'Father, uncle, grandmother, brother and I all survived after rising to the dome. Unfortunately mamak apart,''said Yudi, a former resident of the house exactly on the side of the mosque. Exactly, the mosque is located in the village Suak Indrapuri, a resident of a quite dense. Village is located in areas known as Ujung Karang. This name is given because the area covers approximately 3 hectares is located on a peninsula that stick to the sea. At the end of the most established military headquarters, Korem Teuku Umar.
Besides civil settlement, in the vicinity of the mosque is also in line boarding family TNI and Police. Hundreds of family members of the security apparatus that is exactly even in the coastal edge, adjacent to the port and ferry dock. Given the density of that, while his estimates almost half the people died because of Ujung Karang wipe Tsunami.
In fact, the mosque was not survived intact. Perhaps even to 75 percent have joined the bagunan destroyed. Only the strong pillars that allow only sustain the roof including the dome. Only one side wall that is still somewhat intact, although there are holes here. Floors also have some fissure even exfoliate and down a few centimeters.
At the top of the mosque that a dozen people survived. In fact, if be, is exactly the look is not so solid. Only made from stacks of wood, not concrete. In fact, a dome diameter of about 6 meters only made up of zinc, the base wall of wood round the side-form of the dome at about one meter.
Yudi continue, based on his father's word, people rise to the top of the tile with a dome roof tile was first made of asbestos. Some of them even embrace ornament months and the end of the top stars in the dome. Some people are not out to stay on top of the tile in the narrow space dome.
Not only to marvel at it. They can rise to the top can not even explain how to get to the top of the tile. High ceiling of the mosque floor about 6-7 meters. Almost no place to stand if you want to swarm. encrusted ceramic wall tiles are slippery. So also with the four pillars that are all in the average are large so that even difficult to be embraced closely.
thanks to RioL
nice article there bro...
BalasHapuscan see more mosque again??
dunno if so manny mosques made of gold....
musque is house of allah
BalasHapusis the most strongest....and most beutifull
allahu akbar.....
mesjid yang kwt yach??
BalasHapusbagus niech dpt dari mana?