why gold?
"... look how beautiful they are!"
1. Mosque Dian Al Mahri
Original name of this mosque Mosque Dian Al-Mari mosque dome gold is not as known at this time. This mosque is located in the district on the path between Limo Depot to Cindered. This mosque is very easy to reach because it is in the street. dome with a yellow gold-coated and the original is indeed very light from the roadside. The dome course consists of units 1 big dome and 4 small dome that each dome is coated gold thickness of perhaps 2-3mm and 6 also includes towers that also coated 24 carat gold.
Mosque not only as a house of worship for Muslims, but also serve as tourism, where we can admire the mosques built by the women's home while Batten worship. So that the area of the mosque is very large parking area provided a broad and parks and have a good staff at each point crowd.
Not enough we see the admirable grandeur mosque outside, in the more majestic in the middle east carved style can be found calligraphy-calligraphy. The main lights perhaps weighing up to 6 tons of which are from Italy. to reach the mosque is also very easy from Jakarta can Cindered and direction from the direction of Depot and Bogor-Sawangan.
The owners of this gold-domed mosque, Hj Djuriah Dian Al Rasjid Maimun (52), the origin of Banten, the purchase of land in villages Meruyung since 1996. The Architecture beautiful mosque was built since 2001 and is now almost complete physical development.
Jayadih, who was the village headman Meruyung (1988-1998) is told, "Bu Dian came to me in 1996, looking for land for the development of the mosque. Then gradually the land around it and hold.
2. Mosque Jame 'ASR or Mosque
Mosque, which is part of the complex
3. Mosque Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin
Among non-Muslims who want to go in the mosque are required to wear black robes. For women who dress quite open, be it Muslim or non-Muslim, is also required to wear black robes.
This mosque is located in
This mosque was founded on the area of 5 hectares. To be able to go to the mosque provided a bridge two long sinuous cross the lagoon on the (artificial lake) to the Kampong Ayer. There is also a bridge that can be used again for the visitors who come through the direction of
this mosque is an example of Islamic architecture which is very impressive. Mosque architecture is not only influenced by Islamic architecture only, but also combined with the Italian architecture.
Although Islam is Century Middle mozaic, but many parts of the mosque are made using high quality ceramics made in
Special and the tower is the highest tower of the main, but in addition also have at least ten more towers. In the main tower there is a lift. This mosque also consists of a dome made of 24 carat gold. The form of domed mosque dome like in general, but a little bit oval. Flat roof of the mosque shaped, such as mosques in the Arab region. In front of the mosque there are pages and fountain. In the mosque there are many trees and plants.
This mosque also has a distinctive mozaic, such as the curvature at the bridge entrance, the small dome-dome on the side of the main dome, and pillars of the mosque's tiles. Almost all of the making of this mosque shipped or imported from abroad, such as marble from
Planning is the mosque of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin III, Sultan of the Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam 28, while the designer was an architect of Italian origin.
4. Al-Askari Mosque,
Golden dome of this mosque last rebuilt in 1905. [1] dome, which are in the
Mosque Al-Askari mosque was built in the Syiah in the year 944 M. This mosque is located in the city of
5. Dome Of The Rock,
In the city of
The building is still a complex with the Holy Mosque Al-Aqsa, and many thought that As-Sakhrah this is Al-Aqsa, Al-Aqsa how and As-Sakhrah two different buildings.
Dome Shakhrah (qubbatush-shakhrah, dome-shaped stones) that are golden domed in the middle of complex Al-Haram-asy Syarif. Meanwhile, Al-Aqsa Mosque which is located on the blue-domed side southeastern Al-Haram-asy Syarif direction to the direction (of
In the year 630, some years before Qubbat As-built Sakhrah, Umar bin al-Khattab, aided by Kaab al-Ahbar and other Islamic people to improve the foundation stones and dig up and remove dust and clean the area that has been abandoned for hundreds of years since destroyed by of the Romans. Regions of strong stone foundation and is not disclosed to the caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan the start of the development of 685 years, and finished in the year 691.
Inside the Dome
Golf Sakhrah building consists of three levels; first and second levels of 35.3 meters. The higher the building, including the entire top of the dome is 39.3 m. The situation room in the corridor are three abreast around the stone (sakhrah). Corridor is a section in the floor directly thawaf such as stone corral where thawaf in Mosqueil Haram. In it there is a mihrab-mihrab large amount of fruit and 13 respectively mihrab consists of 104 small mihrab. To enter that is located at the top of the hill there are four gates that each has a roof. The building is fully done two Muslim architect of the King 'Bitsan bin Al-Hayat's and Yazid bin Salam from
Sakhrah meaning stone, is in the midst of the Local Sakhrah the cover. Sakhrah measuring 56 x 42 feet. Under sakhrah cave tetragon the extent of 4.5 mx 4.5 m high and 1.5 m. On the roof of the cave there is a hole of 1 m. With the cave under the sakhrah (stones) then almost all parts of the stone can be seen clearly. Stone called sakhrah mukadassah (sacred stones). In the stone of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. mi'raj and perform as a witness to the events build Local Sakhrah above.
According to Islamic literature, the value of chastity sakhrah with the Black Stone (black stone). Both stones come from heaven with a decrease in the time difference during the first 40 years of Black Stone. The two holy sites have been there since before the Prophet Adam. Ka'bah as a place similar thawaf beings like angels. Ka'bah is the place before they thawaf man in the world, are Beitul Makmur thawaf as their place in the sky.
6. Mosque Sultan of
Year 1928, they get the money from the
The only (perhaps) that can blast the mosque is the mosque of Sultan adzan around
The changes also include replacing old dome with a gold dome. Mosque soon became the largest mosque in

Suneri Mosque or Golden Mosque is located in the center of
Sunehri mosque known as the gold domes. Located in the Kashmiri Bazaar mosque used for prayer. Bhikari Khan, a palace and the Deputy Governor of
Built on a platform raised about 11 feet vaulted above the surrounding level, the structure includes rectangular area measuring 102 feet by 45 feet. Base that consists of cells and narrow depth. A flight of 16 steps that have been given to the small gate in the east.
Go to the page size of 65 feet by 43 feet, with ablution tank 25 feet by 27 feet, have been provided in front of the prayer room, measuring 40 feet by 16 feet. Northeast and southeast corners of the room there is a prayer minarets rise 46 feet 9 inches and crowned with pavilions blind. East of the space of prayer, including the corner minarets, is a drunk, with a variety of panel sizes, which was originally fresco decoration.
Roof of the mosque carrying two domes with rounded neck springing high level. Domes of will be crowned with pinnacles and gilded with gold leaf. The core of each is a masonry dome, more than a wooden casing was applied. Copper plates have been determined through the wood casing.

At the Mosque Al-Dahab, popularly known as the Golden Mosque, was the center of Islam in Metro Manila. Built in 1976 and so called because the color of the dome. Is located in Quiapo, which is also a center of Christian devotion. This mosque is located in Quiapo, especially because there are a number of Muslims who live there and also in Binondo near the Quiapo. The Golden Mosque stands at the end of the
Quoted from several sources. agitagat
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